Notice: Armies of Avalore is in early alpha stage. Features & functionality are still under development and may not work. Everything is subject to change.
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War Compendium

The rules of The Great Realm

In Battle

The Battlefield

Your army will face off against the opposing army on a battlefield 300 meters in length. It can be convenient to think of the battlefield as a number line where the eastern army begins at -150m and the western army starts at 150m.


The battle is automated and turn-based, with the eastern army taking action first, followed by the western army. Each turn, every combatant will take one of two actions: march or attack. If an opposing warrior is within range, the aggressor will attack, otherwise they will march. The turn is over when all combatants take their action, then the opposing side's turn begins.

Blocking, Dodging & Hitting

If an aggressor attacks rather than marches, then one of three possible outcomes happen to a defender:
  1. Block - The defender blocked the attack. This can happen if the defender carries a shield and has a shield rating  or their armor type countered the weapon type. You can see the blocking rate under the "Weapon & Armor Types" section below.
  2. Dodge - The defender dodged the attack. The probability to dodge an attack is based on the defender's agility rating calculated against the attackers accuracy rating. If the defender is attacked while they are marching, they have an additional 0.15 added to their agility, increasing their chance to dodge.
  3. Hit -If the defender fails to dodge and fails to block, then the aggressor's strike hit the defender. Hits are considered kills and the defending warrior is removed from further turns.

Win Conditions

There are two ways to win a battle:
  1. Total Annihilation
  2. By far the most common way to win. With each side marching towards each other and engaging in battle, it is likely one side will eventually finish off the opposing force.

  3. Commander Capture
  4. An alternative win condition. If a ground force reaches the enemy commander, located at 150m for the eastern army or -150. for the western army, then the commander is considered captured and the battle ends in favor of the army that reached the commander. This is only possibly if the losing side only has air-borne warriors remaining and the winning side has ground soldiers that can continue to march and reach the commander.

Weapon & Armor Types

Chance to Hit Percentage:
Weapon Type
Armor TypeLeather0.750.750.750.50.5
Chain Mail0.
Plate Mail0.250.10.2510.75

Range, AoE & Spread

Every Warrior type has a range at which they can engage an enemy. The most common is 5m which is considered the limits of melee range. Some skirmishers have a slightly longer range, giving them an advantage since most warrirors will still need to march forward to get within their own attacking range. Then there's the truly ranged warriors who fight with bow and arrow and can fire their missles with a range of up to 150m. Finally, some warriors are flying units, and can only be reached by enemies who have a range of at least 15.

Some Warriors have an area of effect (AoE) value. This allows them to potentially hit multiple enemies in a single attack depending on the enemy's spread value (how spread-out they are in their battle formation). Potential aoe values are between 0.0 and 3.0 (meters). Potential spread values are between 1.0 and 3.0 meters; see the effects of an attack on an opposing force below
Area of Effect

Out of Battle

Income & Upkeep

Every Hour, your nation will gain income at a rate of 400 + (max_campaign_level_completed * 100). This means that the more levels completed in the campaign, the more income received every period from that point forward. eg: The fictitious "Marsh Walkers" nation just defeated the Level 10 campaign nation in battle. They will now collect income at a rate of 1400 per hour.

In addition to collecting income, nations will also be taxed an upkeep charge depending on the size of their standing army. The larger the army, the larger the upkeep charge. Upkeep is applied immediately after the hourly income is updated. The upkeep is calculated as followed:

Upkeep BracketWarrior CountCost of Upkeep per hour
NoneLess than 10,000 0 gold
LowLess than 20,000 25 gold
MediumLess than 50,000 75 gold
HighLess than 110,000 150 gold

Enlisting Armies

In order to progress, your nation will inevitably need to grow its army to face larger threats. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Enlist more warriors using gold
  2. As more income is collected, your nation will have more gold to spend enlisting warriors to grow your army.Click here to enlist more warriors.

  3. Recruit warriors from a defeated nation
  4. Progressing through the campaign, you'll sometimes be rewarded with some warriors of the same type you've just defeated. These warriors will automatically be added to your standing army.

The Campaign

There is currently one game mode available - the campaign. You start out as a small faction attempting to live independently from other nations, but competing nations have the same idea. You'll need to fight to expand your territory by defeating neighboring nations. Your standing army starts out small; just a mere 100 militia men. In order to progress through the campaign your nation will have to face ever-larger and more diverse armies and so it will take time to acquire enough gold grow your forces to a point where you can defeat a neighboring nation. The first opposing nation call timidly call themselves "The Fretfull Ones" and have a standing army of 1,000 Militia. What will it take to conquer these wheyfaced neighbors? Click here to go to the campaign.

Warriors of The Great Realm:

Learn more about the warriors